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Liquefied gas (LPG)

Results of the Liquefied gas (LPG) computation

Liquefied gas (LPG) amortisation calculation

  Petrol Liquefied gas (LPG)
Consumption [l/100km] 10,0 11,5 (+ 1 liter petrol)
CO2 Exhaust [g/km] 233,0 223,4
Fuel costs per 100km [€/100km] 14,50 9,50
Total costs per 100km [€/100km] 17,50 12,50
Total costs per year [€] 3.500 2.620
Savings per year [€] - 880
Money savings after 6 years [€] - 2.780
Distance of amortisation [km] - 56.818
Period of amortisation [years] - 2 years 11 months

Liquefied gas (LPG) amortisation chart